The Pride International School

Pride Learning Methodology (Innovative and Futuristic Approach):

Offering a world-class education centered on the CBSE curriculum, designed to foster inquiry through thematic, experiential and project-based learning. Teaching and learning is designed for exploration, creativity, independent thinking and experimentation. It is woven into an integrated approach to provide meaningful learning experiences and establish cross-curricular links.
This will lead to acquisition of skills in the Language Arts, Sciences, Mathematics, Social Studies, Art forms, Music, Physical & Health Education.

Pride Learning Methodology

Project Based Learning

Long term and student centered, project-based learning is a rigorous hands-on approach to learning core subject matter and basic skills with meaningful activities that examine complex, real-world issues. Project-based learning helps students develop and retain useful, working knowledge of subjects that are often taught in isolation and abstraction.

Competency Based Learning

Competency-based learning is an approach to education that focuses on the student’s demonstration of desired learning outcomes as central to the learning process. Competency-based learning is an effective model, potentially reducing inefficiency (including time spent learning) and increasing pedagogical precision and student achievement.

Technology Integrated Learning

The Pride International School harnesses new technologies in its curriculum, taking up the responsibility of creating responsible digital citizens. We believe that our students should be equipped with quality information that will open greater career avenues in the future. Through the intelligent use of technology, combined with new approaches to education, a more personalized style of learning can be realized.

Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is one of the most valuable skills that every student must learn mastering. It is not just limited to problem-solving skills in class but also in real-life situations. A variety of skills are taught while learning about critical thinking, this involves any kind of circumstances that requires planning, analysis, and reflection.

Our Curriculum aims to

  • Encourage students to think critically and solve problems though project and theme based learning.
  • Incorporate STREAM, i.e. Integrated and blended learning of the most significant streams of Science, Technology, Reading, English, Art and Mathematics.
  • Inculcate the integration of art in the curriculum to enhance the appreciation for aesthetics by covering major spheres like music, dance, visual arts and theatre.
  • Foster holistic development through sports and HPE, i.e. Health and Physical Education.
  • Offer activities for curricular and co-curricular enrichment via clubs and work education.
  • Develop ‘Reflective Learning Practices’ for students to assess and understand their strengths and work on areas to support self-learning and personal development through Student-Led Conferences.
  • Engage students in addressing real-world problems and issues important to humanity to lead change.
  • Provide differentiated teaching-learning activities.